Understanding Angular Host Directives and Their Usage

Gili Yaniv
3 min readAug 10, 2023


Angular is a popular open-source web application framework that allows developers to build dynamic and robust web applications. One of the key features of Angular is the use of directives, which are special markers on DOM elements that tell Angular to attach specific behaviors to those elements. Angular comes with various types of directives, and one of them is the host directive. In this article, we will explore Angular host directives, understand their purpose, and explore code examples to demonstrate their usage.

What are Host Directives?

Host directives in Angular are used to attach behaviors directly to the element that hosts the directive. Unlike attribute or structural directives that modify or conditionally render the element they are placed on, host directives allow you to apply behavior-specific logic directly to the host element itself.

Usage of Host Directives

Host directives are particularly useful when you want to apply certain behaviors to an element, especially when the behavior is closely related to the element’s interaction or state. Some common use cases for host directives include:

  1. Event listeners: Adding event listeners to the host element to handle user interactions such as clicks, keypresses, etc.
  2. Custom styling: Applying custom styles based on the element’s state or attributes.
  3. State management: Managing the state of the host element, toggling classes, or updating content based on certain conditions.
  4. Animation and transitions: Triggering animations when the element’s state changes.
  5. Custom DOM manipulations: Modifying the DOM structure or content of the host element.

Creating Host Directives

To create a host directive in Angular, we need to use the HostListener and HostBinding decorators. The HostListener decorator allows us to attach event listeners to the host element, while the HostBinding decorator allows us to bind properties to the host element.

Let’s go through an example of a simple host directive that changes the background color of the host element when it is clicked:

import { Directive, HostBinding, HostListener } from '@angular/core';import { Directive, HostBinding, HostListener } from '@angular/core';

selector: '[appClickHighlight]'
export class ClickHighlightDirective {
@HostBinding('style.backgroundColor') backgroundColor: string;

@HostListener('click') onClick() {
this.backgroundColor = 'yellow';

In this example, we have created a ClickHighlightDirective and used the @HostBinding decorator to bind the backgroundColor property of the host element to our directive's backgroundColor property. When the onClick method is triggered (using the @HostListener('click') decorator), the background color of the host element changes to yellow.

Using the Host Directive

Now, let’s see how we can use the ClickHighlightDirective in our components:

<!-- app.component.html -->
<div appClickHighlight>
Click me to see the highlight effect!

When you run the application and click on the “Click me to see the highlight effect!” text, you will notice that the background color changes to yellow.

Host Directive with Input Properties

We can also use input properties with host directives to make them more dynamic. Let’s enhance our ClickHighlightDirective to accept a custom highlight color from the component

selector: '[appClickHighlight]'
export class ClickHighlightDirective {
@Input('appClickHighlight') highlightColor: string;
@HostBinding('style.backgroundColor') backgroundColor: string;

@HostListener('click') onClick() {
this.backgroundColor = this.highlightColor || 'yellow';

In this updated version, we have added an @Input property highlightColor, which allows us to specify a custom highlight color when using the directive.

Using the Updated Host Directive

<!-- app.component.html -->
<div appClickHighlight="cyan">
Click me to see the highlight effect in cyan!

Now, when you run the application and click on the text, the background color will change to cyan, as we have specified the custom highlight color using the appClickHighlight attribute.


In this article, we explored Angular host directives and learned how to create and use them to apply specific behaviors directly to the host element. Host directives are a powerful feature in Angular that allows developers to enhance element interaction and state management. By using the HostListener and HostBinding decorators, we can easily add event listeners and bind properties to the host element, enabling us to create more dynamic and interactive web applications. So, go ahead and leverage the power of host directives in your Angular projects to build more efficient and expressive user interfaces. Happy coding!



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