Angular Monorepo using NX

Gili Yaniv
3 min readAug 9, 2023


In the world of modern web development, building and maintaining large-scale applications can be a challenging endeavor. One approach that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of monorepos. A monorepo is a single repository that contains multiple projects or applications, allowing developers to manage shared code, dependencies, and infrastructure more efficiently. When it comes to Angular development, Nx stands out as a powerful toolset that facilitates the creation and management of monorepos. In this article, we will delve into the best practices of using Nx for building an Angular monorepo, accompanied by code examples.

What is Nx?

Nx is an open-source toolkit developed by Nrwl (Narwhal Technologies) that extends the capabilities of the Angular CLI. It provides tools and libraries that help developers efficiently manage monorepos, which are especially useful for projects with multiple applications, libraries, and shared code. Nx enhances the development experience by offering advanced features like code generation, dependency graph analysis, and consistent project structure.

Benefits of Using Nx for Angular Monorepos

Before diving into best practices, let’s explore some of the benefits that Nx brings to Angular monorepos:

1. Code Reusability: Nx enables you to create and share libraries across projects, promoting code reusability and maintaining consistent standards.

2. Efficient Development Workflow: Nx optimizes the build and testing process by only running necessary tasks, saving time during development and continuous integration.

3. Dependency Management: Nx provides tools to manage dependencies more effectively, ensuring consistent versions and reducing conflicts.

4. Consistent Tooling: With Nx, you can ensure that all projects within the monorepo use the same tooling versions, configurations, and linting rules.

5. Enhanced Collaboration: Nx’s powerful tools for code sharing and versioning improve collaboration among development teams.

Best Practices for Using Nx in Angular Monorepos

1. Project Structure

Maintaining a consistent project structure is crucial for the organization and scalability of your monorepo. Nx enforces a recommended project structure that separates applications and libraries into their respective directories. Following this structure ensures clarity and ease of navigation.


2. Create Libraries for Shared Code

Nx allows you to generate libraries that encapsulate shared code, components, and services. This promotes code reusability and modular development. To create a library named `shared-utils`, use the following command:

nx generate @nrwl/angular:library shared-utils

3. Generating Applications

Generating applications is straightforward with Nx. To create an Angular application named `my-app`, use the following command:

nx generate @nrwl/angular:application my-app

4. Dependency Management

Nx provides tools for managing dependencies effectively. Use the Nx CLI to add dependencies to specific projects or libraries within your monorepo. For example, to add the `rxjs` library to `shared-utils`, run:

nx generate @nrwl/angular:library shared-utils - add-deps rxjs

5. Code Generation

Nx simplifies code generation by providing convenient schematics. For instance, to generate a component named `my-component` within the `my-app` application, use the following command:

nx generate @schematics/angular:component my-component - project=my-app

6. Running Tests

Running tests across projects is easy with Nx. To run tests for the `my-app` application, execute:

nx test my-app

7. Linting

Nx provides linting rules and configurations that help maintain code quality. Run linting for the `my-app` application using:

nx lint my-app

8. Continuous Integration (CI)

Integrate Nx with your preferred CI/CD pipeline to automate builds, tests, and deployments. Nx’s efficient caching mechanisms optimize CI workflows.


Nx is a powerful toolkit that empowers developers to efficiently manage Angular monorepos. By adhering to best practices such as maintaining a consistent project structure, creating shared libraries, and utilizing Nx’s advanced features, development teams can achieve enhanced code reusability, efficient workflows, and seamless collaboration. The code examples provided demonstrate how to generate libraries, applications, and components while leveraging Nx’s capabilities.

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, Nx stands as a toolset that streamlines the development process, making it a valuable asset for teams working on complex Angular projects within monorepos. Embracing Nx’s best practices and incorporating them into your workflow can lead to more maintainable, scalable, and robust applications.



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